Kamis, 29 April 2010

Synthetic tree, the carbon sink

Judging from developments in science, man can become as human beings who have the highest civilization than other creatures nearby. The development of science in the field of technology it has become a most powerful weapon to provide service to people's lives. It also wants to encourage a professor who named Klaus Lackner of Columbia University, United States. He is the man who designed a synthetic tree can absorb carbon from the air as much as 1000 kg from the calculation Lackner when it will make a prototype of this synthetic trees.

It's very good at imitating humans from nature, although as we know that our science can indeed come from this the great outdoors. Of cloning technology, genetic engineering, and whatever it is all aimed at human survival. It's the same with these synthetic trees which aims to absorb carbon from the air. This tree did not look like a tree that we usually see, this tree shaped more like a small, newly constructed buildings. With the relatively small size and can be placed anywhere, the synthetic tree does not make it have the usual principles of absorption, but this tree has a principle like the smokestacks of factories, according to Lackner.

Rabu, 28 April 2010

Benefits of Trees in the living

Said the tree at this time is identical with some event in the world. Planting a tree, that's the motto for mankind to prevent the destruction of our beloved Earth due to our own deeds. Trees are plants with stems that have elements of substances hardwood. Trees are always distinguished by the form he stands. There are towering up and those that are sideways. The tree also has a network of net-like humans, they have the means of transportation that can transport nutrient elements from soil and they can turn into a food that can be useful to the tree itself and even to life around him. Surely, every man wants a life healthy and meaningful, moreover, supported by state of the earth at this present moment. Trees in the area function has a function as the lungs of the world because the trees are unique in maintaining the natural habitat of humans. Rampant illegal logging which impacts negatively on the lives of living creatures on Earth. In fact, the tree is supporting life on this Earth, they are willing to spend a moment just for fun than thinking about the lives of their grandchildren in the future. Benefits of trees for human life, among others
• Maintain and stabilize the oxygen and carbon dioxide gas against human life
• Tree can absorb carbon that can be toxic to living things surrounding yourself
• Trees provide protection by holding water within the soil so that soil erosion caused by water can be prevented with better
• Trees provide shade to every living thing alive
• Trees provide shade in the form of shelter and food
• Trees can reduce air temperature so that the living creatures around it does not feel hot when on the move

It seems so many benefits of trees that can maintain the living , but if only the money that the millions for a moment cut down trees for fun without thinking about the life of our grandchildren in the future?

Information about the Atmospheric, Earth Protector

Save the world are the words which today we often hear around us. Worsening state of the earth which made some people start to worry about the state of the earth are becoming increasingly worse. It also wants to make some people start with small activities are beneficial for the sake of preserving our beloved earth. From the outer layer, the Earth is protected by some sort of coating that can withstand all kinds of hazards that may be harmful and even destroy the earth with a flash. Yes , the layer of atmosphere is a protective layer which becomes our planet from harm that will befall us. Here's an explanation of the atmospheric layer.
1. Layer Troposphere
This layer is the layer closest to the earth's life. This layer is a layer that has the ideal gas content and is very supportive layer in human life. Symptoms such as weather, lightning, rain, storms occur in this layer. This layer also resulted in a decrease in temperature comes from the sun so that we can not feel the heat of the sun that radiates through the radiation of sunlight.

2. Stratosphere layer
Layer is a layer of the stratosphere by the fact that temperature has increased due to its height than the previous layer, the troposphere. Isothermis layer is also called as the temperature is between -70 degrees Fahrenheit. Aircraft, flying at this layer.

3. Mesosphere layer
Mesosphere layer are at an altitude of 25-40 km. This layer the temperature back down when the altitude increases, with a temperature of -143 degrees Celsius mind.

4. Termosfer layer
It is said termosfer layer because this layer has a very sharp increase in temperature up to 1982 degrees Celsius. These changes are caused by this layer absorbs ultra violet rays which is emitted by the sun. This layer also makes the temperature of the earth not to exceed 35 degrees Celsius.

5. Eksosfer layer
Eksosfer layer protects us from solar radiation by reflecting the light. That's a handful of information about the atmosphere at any time is always protecting us from external threats. Imagine if the atmospheric layer is damaged, what happens to all life on earth. Therefore, let's preserve our earth for our grandchildren for the future. Save the World
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