Rabu, 28 April 2010

Benefits of Trees in the living

Said the tree at this time is identical with some event in the world. Planting a tree, that's the motto for mankind to prevent the destruction of our beloved Earth due to our own deeds. Trees are plants with stems that have elements of substances hardwood. Trees are always distinguished by the form he stands. There are towering up and those that are sideways. The tree also has a network of net-like humans, they have the means of transportation that can transport nutrient elements from soil and they can turn into a food that can be useful to the tree itself and even to life around him. Surely, every man wants a life healthy and meaningful, moreover, supported by state of the earth at this present moment. Trees in the area function has a function as the lungs of the world because the trees are unique in maintaining the natural habitat of humans. Rampant illegal logging which impacts negatively on the lives of living creatures on Earth. In fact, the tree is supporting life on this Earth, they are willing to spend a moment just for fun than thinking about the lives of their grandchildren in the future. Benefits of trees for human life, among others
• Maintain and stabilize the oxygen and carbon dioxide gas against human life
• Tree can absorb carbon that can be toxic to living things surrounding yourself
• Trees provide protection by holding water within the soil so that soil erosion caused by water can be prevented with better
• Trees provide shade to every living thing alive
• Trees provide shade in the form of shelter and food
• Trees can reduce air temperature so that the living creatures around it does not feel hot when on the move

It seems so many benefits of trees that can maintain the living , but if only the money that the millions for a moment cut down trees for fun without thinking about the life of our grandchildren in the future?


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