Senin, 17 Mei 2010

The Age of Earth

Geologists have calculated how much the age of the earth. This can be estimated from the level of damage from a few specific elements that existed at the Earth's crust. Atoms of uranium and thorium the longer the less, changing gradually into a variety of elements including radium which ended up being a black tin atoms. Rate this change has been investigated in the laboratory, how long of an element into another element. Elements downsizing it happens regularly.

The stones of the mountain or archaeological objects can be used as a tool to calculate the ratio of mineral elements such as lead, uranium, radium, so that can know a lot of comparisons and the reduction of the investigated objects, then they will know how long the reduction process, and thus also be shown how the stone age. Similarly age of the earth can be known in a similar way. They estimate the age of the earth between 3000 to 5000 million years ago. The calculation can be done any other way to calculate how much salt is contained in the oceans today.

The experts firmly believe that when at first there was the ocean, the water is not salty. What causes sea water taste salty is because the rivers that come from the mainland brought a variety of substances that make the sea water became salty taste. After carefully calculated how much salt water content is increased every year, so know how old the earth. Among all the planets in this solar system, only allowing the existence of life. Nevertheless, still uncertain whether other planets have life, though different from what exists on earth.

Doubts were depicted on American spacecraft, Voyager II, which was launched on 20 August 1977 to Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and perhaps then he would shy away from the solar system to the next adventure for for about 1000 million years between the stars in the Milky Way. On the plane, played the messages from the President of the United States and prosperous congratulations sayings from various nations of different languages who knows maybe there is a civilized life. Reaction of civilization would be provoked in this way. The leading scholars, both her undergraduate astronomy, geology or biology. All agreed that life on this earth that life runs in evolution or a gradual slow. It means that now is not the same man to man hundreds of thousands of years ago. It is also not the same shape of the animal's body is now with the animals millions of years ago. Origin of life is from one cell, which then evolve rapidly.

These cells then transformed into plants or animals like this now. Change is a very long time consuming. Forms of life on earth in accordance with the terms and conditions that owned the earth. Similarly, life on earth will end when the terms and conditions do not permit the earth again. For example if it was time the sun was enlarged, so the bigger of the sun so very close to the earth, of life on earth ended. What is the most difficult questions to be answered is the biggest question of all time is where the sudden advent of life or soul of a cell. If the theory of evolution's way of thinking can make a sense, but the arrival of life or soul for animals, plants and humans are not answered by these scholars.


Anonim mengatakan...

Wah... umur Bumi ternyata sudah tua...
oleh karena tu, mari kita jaga bumi kita

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