Senin, 24 Mei 2010


Actually, how crucial that Hernia injury for Football players? Andriy Shevchenko clearly gave prove when he was playing for Chelsea in Barclays Premiere League.

Well, Hernia could mean there is a more stretch on a part of man sex which effecting a big lumps. This big lump is disturbing testis part. Which means, when the football players run to kick the ball, the lump will be fell so hurt. In Football, this injury caused by a too much stretch when kicked the ball, run, turn the body and jumping.

Football became the first caused of this injury. In football, there are 2 kinds of Hernia injury i.e. inguinal hernia and Gilmore`s groin (usually well known as sports hernia).

If hernia could not heal on surgeon process, surely the person could be hard to do his daily activity. Not only play football but also like up and down from the bed, driving the car. A pain on part of man sex could very hurt when the age of the football player up. The suspect could be fell usual if this injury happened for a long time but if the injury not be healed, could be the injury become more complex than before.

For football players, they always wonder how to prevent this injury?

of course core strength and core stamina training on field surely complete your exercise for muscle strength on your vital parts. Core strength well known as a training of muscle strength on the center of your vital parts with using stretch tools of thigh and legs muscle and core stability is a training on your stability.

The strength not only on legs muscle which stand the vital parts, but also on shoulder structure and the parts of up body could be give an stability. So, the train process and warming up process for football players clearly became the most important things for their condition keep stable. The portion of training also has an influent for this injury.

Stages of cell division

Inter phase. At the stage of inter phase, the cell is considered a rest from division process. However, the actual stage of the inter phase is an active and important step to prepare the division. Preparation of DNA replication (doubling the DNA from one copy into two copies). In general, most of the time the cells are alive at this point. Further inter phase subdivided into gap-1 phase, synthesis phase, and phase-second gap.

Pro phase. At the pro phase stage, DNA began packaged or packaged into chromosomes. Chromosome is the densest structure of DNA packaging. Necessary DNA packaged into chromosomes. In early pro phase, the chromosomes began to appear under the microscope. Because at this stage, has been preceded by chromosomal DNA replication (two chromatids: 2c, two chromosomes: 2n), then the chromosome was composed of the twin chromatids are linked at the centromere. The centromere is a constriction region on the chromosome. In late pro phase, the chromosome appears to be solid and thicker and composed of a pair of chromatids. Each cremated is actually a package of DNA replication. In other words, paired chromatids are linked by a body of the centromere is a twin pack each copy (replica) DNA replication in the inter phase stage. The centromere is binding on both chromatids is considered as part of the DNA in the chromosomes that have not made the most recent replication and divide.

Meta phase. At the stage of metaphase chromosomes in pairs with each other. One pair of chromosomes consists of two chromosomes (2n). Each pair of chromatids of chromosomes made up of (2c) that put themselves on the field division. This field is a field placement division of chromosomes before dividing into polar the chromated cleavage. Thus, the chromosomes lie in the division with the goal of keeping the amount of DNA information to be given to the new daughter cells which really flat and the same amount.
Anaphase. At the stage of anaphase, chromatids begin to move towards the poles seem cleavage. Chromatid was unable to move itself, but must be withdrawn by the yarn from mikrotubul centrioles. Mikrotubul an interesting yarn called mikrotubul kinetochore chromosomes. Since the beginning of the core cleavage (early prophase), the yarn has been arranged in parallel mikrotubul linking centrioles to centrosome (the area near the nucleus of cells that normally contain centrioles) with the centromere through the kinetochore. Kinetochore is part of the chromosome (near the centromere) attachment for spindle threads. In animal cells, the field tends toward cleavage centrioles located at each pole of the cell. Each pole is the goal direction of movement of chromosomes (or chromatids, while it is in the attachment of the centromere). In plant cells there is no centrioles, but the division remains directed toward the pole of cleavage by a centrosome, but it does not contain threads sentriol. The way that mikrotubul chromosome kinetochore moves is by shortening mikrotubul. At the kinetochore, such mikrotubul dissociating (parsing) speed. Thus, the anaphase stage of producing a copy of the first but paired chromosomes (1c, 2n). Each copy of chromosome moves toward the pole division.

Telophase. In the early stages of telophase, the chromosomes (2n, and 1c) have been completed in polar division. Mikrotubul nonkinetokor (ie mikrotubul uninteresting chromosomes) extend the cell. Twin core has started core wrapped with envelope membranes. Chromatin threads started to loose. The final stage of telophase followed by cytokinesis.

Stage of cytokinesis. At the stage of cytokinesis occurs, followed by cytoplasmic division septum formation of new cells. Bulkhead separating the two nuclei into two daughter cells. In animal cells, cytokinesis begins during telophase stage ends. In late telophase occurred parsing spindle threads. Then immediately formed a narrow ring of microfilaments in the former region equatorial plane. This contraction in the direction in which cause deep cracks on the cell surface, followed by the contents of two cells permbagian separately. In plant cells have tough cell walls. Therefore, how cytokinesis of plant cells differ from animal cells. Plant cells that have been mengalam karokinesis bulkhead immediately formed around the former field of cell division. This bulkhead initially form from membrane vesicles derived from Golgi bodies. Vesicles are directed along mikrotubul in the equatorial plane. Vesicle-vesicle fusion was then experiencing the membrane form, and followed by the formation of new cell wall.

Treat your back

Good posture can prevent back pain problems, even digestion. Therefore, your daily program live for 12 minutes to straighten your back.

2 minutes. In the morning, stand in front of the mirror, the body is facing sideways. Make sure the ear, shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle form a straight line. Observe the feeling that arises when the body has really been straight.

1 min. Check your office chair. Make sure the foot planted on the top floor and eye position parallel to the computer screen or your laptop. When the position of tables and chairs more, use the support to the foot does not hang on the ground.

3 minutes. Check your posture six times a day. Each is 30 seconds. Do not forget during the sitting, the position of the shoulders down and gravitate toward the rear, while the thigh parallel to floor. In order not to forget, set an alarm reminded in a PDA or on your computer.

5 minutes. A short break and a walk around the office for 60 seconds. Therefore, standing can improve posture. Do it five times during working hours.

1 min. Before bed, take 60 seconds to find a comfortable sleeping position, sideways, or supine. To pose sideways, put a pillow between your knees.

The enchantment of Indonesian submarine

Feel the sensation when the body surf in the collection of small to giant-sized reefs that grow in sandy seabed, coral walls along tens of meters, followed by a lively movement of a variety of reef fish and marine life forms and colors with a gorgeous body. If you want to feel like Superman flying, you do not need to fantasize about having wings. Indonesian underwater world can realize your desire to fly the most beautiful places on this planet. Panorama that can easily be found in this maritime country. With a length of 95.181 kilometers of the coast or the second longest in the world, humble surge with a variety of reef fish on the surface and bottom water, cave, up the mountain under the sea. Waters of Bunaken Island, North Sulawesi is a small example of the nirvana that. Divers can be passed with exotic fish, such as Napoleon wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus), and a giant green turtle (Chelonia mydas). On the beach Hukurila in Ambon, Maluku, and Wasage Beach on the island of Buton, Southeast Sulawesi, fans adrenaline challenge will be presented with views of caves under the sea.

In the southwest, Mangehetang Island, Sangihe, North Sulawesi, the diver can see underwater mountain at a shallow enough waters to the point of the mountain crater eight meters deep. Banyknya almost countless dive sites that exist in the homeland of Indonesia. The potential is so vast and each point offering spectacular diving underwater unique and different. Diving tours in the homeland Indonesia started developing since the early 1980s. Special interest also led to the birth lovers of diving clubs, and tourist resort with dive operators service offering objects with tremendous experience. With the emergence of diving tourism objects, the interest of society to recognize this sport continues to grow. The growing interest of the community was at least as reflected in the exhibition Indonesia and Extreme Deep Indonesia 2010 in Jakarta on March 12-14 ago. With 20.000 rupiahs admission per person, from morning until night thousands of visitors from inside and outside the country crowded the booth stores tools sellers and agents, scuba diving tours.

If countries in mainland Europe is able to stimulate tourists to the exoticism of their artificial construction, not an overstatement that dive tour operators and tourist resort services raise sea superiority in these equatorial countries, namely Indonesia.

Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

History of the sun age

As with all God's creatures that live on this earth has aged, as well as the other objects also have the age, including homes, cars, trains, earth, moon and so on. In short all god's creation and there was no time beginning the final time. Long between the beginning and the end is what is meant by age, or age. Sun also has a life of course. There was a time there during the birth and death. If the human age is only a few years, the sun has until billions of years old. When compared to the age of the earth by the time since there are humans on Earth until now then ever human being on this earth just a little course, if the age of the earth's age of man. Now we know that the sun was shining over to all incessantly from the first billions billion years ago until now. Light emitting means or the exertion of energy, meaning spent fuel. Look at the cars that run out of energy and must therefore spent fuel, gasoline or diesel fuel. So did the lights, ships or aircraft, time, human and other. What about solar? Same thing. The sun radiates as much light as 380,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 watts per second, a huge amount. We enjoy a small portion of the earth, which makes the possibility of living here. From where the sun get its fuel? He obtained by eating his own, meaning that the body itself became the sun for fuel. So why so long to bear, no end to have billions of years? Agency must have been in the sun someday. According to astrophysical science experts about 5 billion years from now.

There are many theories put forward by experts of the starting formation of the sun, but in general they expressed the same thing that the sun is the origin of the gas clouds, gathering in a large place in space. The collection of this gas cloud evolution occurs so that takes a very long time. A large part of gas clouds is very unusual. Clouds of this gas comes from power or energy in the form of light emitted from stars in the vicinity. This is in accordance with the laws of natural science. All the objects or the mass is a collection of power very much. Each object can be turned into energy, provided that human beings can liberate energy contained in them. This was evidenced by the explosion of a nuclear bomb or hydrogen bomb at Eniwetok in 1952, a small island in the territorial sea of the United States Pacific region. Similarly the sun gives energy to all directions, just like the process of nuclear bombs. Although the sun takes as many as 657 million tons every least, the sun was still able to survive another five billion years or perhaps longer. This has been taken into account Martin Schwarzchild astronomers from Princeton University and the Allan Sandage of Palomar United States. Approximately 5 billion years from now the sun will begin to inflate, the photosfer colder, but overall solar energy produced will be greater. Approximately one billion years later, the temperature of the earth on average reached 500 degrees Celsius. Some super beings could still live on earth with a fairly good protective gear. At that time the sea was boiling and sugar so that the steam discharged into the ocean to melt like sugar because it was only a mere salt.

Then after life on earth has been destroyed completely, the sun will be a shrinkage shrinking back. In such circumstances it becomes unstable. Decreases faster and faster. A few million years the sun will cool, he stayed like a giant black ball that lost all its light. There are only among us who may ask many questions, from which astronomers know the life history of the sun to a thousand million years to come. The answer is they can watch the stars scattered around us. Because the sun also a star, then the sun as well as them. Now there are stars who will be born, being born, the old, will die and many others.

Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Jenis-jenis polimer dan manfaatnya

Karet alam atau karet mentah memiliki sifat fleksibel, harganya relative ringan tapi daya sambung dan daya rekat jauh lebih rendah disbanding karet sintesis bila dibuat perekat. Karet alam tidak bisa dipakai untuk penyambung plastic. Perekat yang dipakai dan terbuat dari karet sintesis atau karet alam tidak tahan terhadap bahan pelarut minyak bahan oksidasi dan sinar ultraviolet, mudah sekali rusak bila terkena panas. Tahan terhadap panas pada suhu 35-40 derajat Celsius sebelum divulkanisasi, jika divulkanisasi tahan terhadap panas 70 derajat Celsius. Karet alam larut dengan baik pada pelarut hidrokarbon. Perekat ini berguna untuk benda ringan seperti kain karet busa yang mengelupas pada bebang 3 kilogram/cm2 pada suhu kamar.

Bila karet alam ini divulkanisir ia akan menjadi tahan panas dan kekuatan mengelupas sampai dengan 6 kilogram/cm2. Salah satu dari keunggulan dari solusi karet alam tidak beracun, pelarut yang dipakai tidak menyengat dan tidak mudah terbakar, viskositas dari solusi ini kira-kira 25 persen. Karet Stiren butadin adalah karet sintetik termasuk yang luas permukaannya dan pemakaiannya dan murah harganya dibangingkan dari karet alam. Karet Stiren Butadin termasuk perekat interior. Dari perekat ini berguna untuk karpet, karet busa dan konstruksi mobil untuk menyambung karet kelogan karet ini tidak berguna untuk PVC. Pelarut yang digunakan biasanya nafta.

Karet nitril karboksil adalah karet yang mengandung gugus asam karboksilat. Perekat yang dibuat dari bahan ini tidak saja memiliki daya rekat yang tinggi terhadap logam tapi juga mempercepat reaksi resinya terhadap senyawa lain yang gunanya member kekuatan adhesive dan kohesif, dan lebih tahan minyak. Karet alam adalah polimer hidrokarbon tak jenuh. Senyawa ini secara komersial diperoleh dari getah karet. Struktur kimianya sebagian dijelaskan pada abad ke 19 jika dipanaskan tanpa udara (isoprene).

Kebanyakan karet memiliki ikatan molekul lebih dari 10000000. Besarnya variasi menurut metode pengolahan. Karet mentah mengandung kira-kira -1, -2, -3 persen air dan sedikit bahan organic, serta poliisoprena. Penggolongan suatu jenis konvensional dilakukan dasar-dasar visualisasi atau sifat-sifat yang dapat dilihat oleh mata, misalnya warna karet, adanya endapan serta noda-noda lainnya. Sistem penggolongan tersebut sama sekali tidak memberikan informasi tentang sifat-sifat karet teknis dari karet mentahnya (terutama untuk barang-barang jadi karet mentahnya) dan tidak ada hubungan langsung antara warna gelombung udara dan noda-noda tertentu lainnya dengan sifat-sifat teknis karet yang menjadi persyaratan barang-barang jadi karet yang diproduksi. Polimer alami juga sangat penting untuk kehidupan organisme. Tanpa struktur polimer alam seperti sellulosa pada tanaman atau protein bahwa konstruksi urat dan otot hewan. Hewan tidak hidup serta tanaman tidak dapat berdiri diatasnya tali gravitasi. Kita semua diciptakan laut, dimana membrane halus kita didukung oleh aliran di dalam air. Enzim tanaman dan hewan bahwa katalis semua reaksi biokimia penting sebagai polimer asam amino. Terakhirnya, dioksiribosanukleat (DNA) merupakan bahan genetic. Warisan semua tanaman dan hewan-hwan adalah polimer asam nukleat.

Bentuk polimer datang dari yunani (poly) dan menunjukkan sebuah molekul besar yang dibuat dari banyak bagian makromolekul adalah suatu bentuk sinonim dari polimer. Polimer-polimer dibuat oleh garis bersama molekul sederhana yang disebut dengan monomer (bagian tunggal).

Senin, 17 Mei 2010

The Age of Earth

Geologists have calculated how much the age of the earth. This can be estimated from the level of damage from a few specific elements that existed at the Earth's crust. Atoms of uranium and thorium the longer the less, changing gradually into a variety of elements including radium which ended up being a black tin atoms. Rate this change has been investigated in the laboratory, how long of an element into another element. Elements downsizing it happens regularly.

The stones of the mountain or archaeological objects can be used as a tool to calculate the ratio of mineral elements such as lead, uranium, radium, so that can know a lot of comparisons and the reduction of the investigated objects, then they will know how long the reduction process, and thus also be shown how the stone age. Similarly age of the earth can be known in a similar way. They estimate the age of the earth between 3000 to 5000 million years ago. The calculation can be done any other way to calculate how much salt is contained in the oceans today.

The experts firmly believe that when at first there was the ocean, the water is not salty. What causes sea water taste salty is because the rivers that come from the mainland brought a variety of substances that make the sea water became salty taste. After carefully calculated how much salt water content is increased every year, so know how old the earth. Among all the planets in this solar system, only allowing the existence of life. Nevertheless, still uncertain whether other planets have life, though different from what exists on earth.

Doubts were depicted on American spacecraft, Voyager II, which was launched on 20 August 1977 to Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and perhaps then he would shy away from the solar system to the next adventure for for about 1000 million years between the stars in the Milky Way. On the plane, played the messages from the President of the United States and prosperous congratulations sayings from various nations of different languages who knows maybe there is a civilized life. Reaction of civilization would be provoked in this way. The leading scholars, both her undergraduate astronomy, geology or biology. All agreed that life on this earth that life runs in evolution or a gradual slow. It means that now is not the same man to man hundreds of thousands of years ago. It is also not the same shape of the animal's body is now with the animals millions of years ago. Origin of life is from one cell, which then evolve rapidly.

These cells then transformed into plants or animals like this now. Change is a very long time consuming. Forms of life on earth in accordance with the terms and conditions that owned the earth. Similarly, life on earth will end when the terms and conditions do not permit the earth again. For example if it was time the sun was enlarged, so the bigger of the sun so very close to the earth, of life on earth ended. What is the most difficult questions to be answered is the biggest question of all time is where the sudden advent of life or soul of a cell. If the theory of evolution's way of thinking can make a sense, but the arrival of life or soul for animals, plants and humans are not answered by these scholars.

Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

Redox Reactions

(Picture downloaded from

All the reactions mentioned in the sections on the front is the ion incorporation reaction, whereby the oxidation number of species-species that reacts is not changed. But there are a number of reactions in which oxidation state changes are accompanied by electron exchange between the reactants.

The process is electrochemical Redox reaction (reduction-oxidation), in which this reaction the energy released by the spontaneous reaction turned into electricity or where electricity is used so that the reaction could non-spontaneously occur. Which one is the reduction oxidation reduction and oxidation is the opposite of the increase in oxidation number.

The term oxidation proved or applied to the process of taking oxygen from a substance or substances. Reduction of itself regarded as a process where oxygen is taken from a substance, then the arrest is also called the reduction of hydrogen so that hydrogen loss should also be referred to as oxidation.

Download full article in Bahasa Indonesia here

Chemical equilibrium (Kesetimbangan Kimia)

Chemical reactions are spontaneous changes of reagents into the reaction toward equilibrium. An equilibrium has the equilibrium constant whose value depends on temperature and type of equilibrium. Equilibrium with the environment system is marked similarities of style, temperature or electrical potential. This is called static equilibrium because the material did not occur between the system with the environment. Is a state of dynamic equilibrium in which two opposing processes occur at the same speed. As a result, no net change occurred again in the system at equilibrium. If a liquid evaporates in a closed container, at a certain time will be a change from vapor to liquid state within the same speed with the evaporation. In other words, each condensed with the same speed with which water evaporates. Although these molecules back and forth between the vapor and liquid, the vapor pressure caused by equipment at any time.

Download full article in Bahasa Indonesia here

Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

Layers of earth

Like the sun, stars or planets all in layers, so even this is our earth. If the earth is split, it will be visible outside parts as follows:

  • Earth's crust, which is the outermost skin, thickness between 16 to 40 kilometers. On top of this skin live all living creatures on land, sea and air. In this skin saved all the materials such as gold mining, coal, kerosene and others.
  • Underneath a thick layer of approximately 2280 kilometers. A hard layer, an inner skin. The inner skin is much thicker than the outer skin. If we suppose the earth as a mango, mango meat we eat is in the earth's skin. In this part is wrapping the earth's core.
  • Outer core of the earth, which is 2208 kilometers thick. This core is a liquid core. This can be known from an earthquake wave propagation. Earthquake can not be through the watery part of the earth in the center of the earth.
  • Deepest layers that form the core, thickness 1248 kilometers. It's in very hard circumstances. This is really the core of the earth with a radius of 1248 kilometers or with a diameter of 2496 kilometers.
Temperatures at the Earth's crust under the increasingly rising every 100 feet down, the temperature increased one degree Celsius. It is known from excavations of kerosene. If this was used as a basis to determine how the central temperature of the earth, it will get the number for 290 000 degrees Celsius. Thus the high temperature at the earth's center, not at all unreasonable. It may well be not the same rate of temperature increase with the number increasing in the Earth's crust. Suspicion in the center of the earth temperature is around 5550 degrees Celsius.

Ivarian dari Hukum-hukum Fisika

Ketika awal tahun 1905, Albert Einstein hanyalah seorang pegawai berumur 25 tahun yang tidak terkenal di suatu kantor di Negara Switzerland. Menjelang akhir tahun 1905 yang mengagumkan tersebut, dia telah mempublikasikan tiga jurnal ilmiah yang sangat luar biasa pentingnya dan menjadi fondasi utama untuk mata kuliah fisika pada saat ini. Salah satu diantaranya adalah sebuah analisis gerak Brown, yang kedua (untuk ini Einstein menerima hadiah Nobel) adalah mengenai Efek Fotolistrik. Dalam jurnal ilmiah yang ketiga, Einstein memperkenalkan Teori Relativitas Khusus (special theory of relativity), mengusulkan perombakan drastic dalam konsep Newton mengenai ruang dan waktu.

Teori Relativitas Khusus itu telah membuat perubahan yang sangat luas dalam pemahaman kita mengenai alam, tetapi Einstein mendasarkan teorinya pada dua dalil yang sederhana saja. Satu dalil menyatakan bahwa hukum-hukum fisika adalah sama dalam satu kerangka acuan inersia; dalil yang lainnya menyatakan bahwa laju cahaya dalam ruang hampa adalah sama dalam semua kerangka inersia. Usulan-usulan yang bunyinya tidak memerlukan pemikiran lama ini mempunyai implikasi yang sangat jauh. Tiga diantaranya di berikan di sini : (1) Peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi serempak untuk seorang pengamat mungkin tidak terjadi serempak untuk pengamat lain. (2) Bila dua pengamat yang bergerak relative satu terhadap yang lain mengukur sebuah interval waktu atau sebuah panjang, kedua pengamat itu mungkin tidak akan mendapatkan hasil yang sama. (3) Supaya prinsip kekekalan momentum dan energy berlaku dalam semua system inersia maka hukum kedua Newton dan persamaan untuk momentum dan energy harus di revisi.
Relativitas mempunyai konsekuensi penting dalam semua bidang fisika, termasuk termodinamika, elektromagnetisme, optika, fisika atom dan nuklir, dan fisika energy-tinggi. Walupun banyak dari hasil yang di turunkan dalam hal ini mungkin bertentangan dengan intuisi kita, karena ketiga dalil di atas tadi, namun teori ini sangat sesuai dengan pengamatan eksperimental atau pengamatan yang langsung terjadi di alam.

Dalil Pertama Einstein, yang dinamakan prinsip relativitas (principle of relativity) menyatakan : hukum-hukum fisika adalah sama dalam tiap-tiap kerangka acuan inersia. Jika hukum-hukum itu dibedakan, maka perbedaan tersebut dapat membedakan satu kerangka inersia dari kerangka lainnya atau dapat membuat satu kerangka yang bagaimanapun lebih “benar” dibandingkan kerangka lainnya. Inilah dua contohnya. Misalnya Anda mengawasi dua anak yang bermain menangkap bola sementara Anda bertiga berada dalam sebuah kereta api yang bergerak dengan kecepatan yang tetap. Pengamatan Anda mengenai gerak bola itu, tak peduli bagaimanapun telitinya pengamatan itu dilakukan, tidak dapat menceritakan kepada Anda seberapa cepat kereta api tersebut bergerak. Hal ini dikarenakan hukum mekanika (hukum-hukum Newton) adalah sama dalam tiap-tiap system inersia.
Sebuah contoh lain adalah tegangan gerak elektrik (tge) [electromotive force (emf)] yang diinduksi dalam sebuah koil kawat oleh sebuah magnet permanen yang bergerak di dekatnya. Dalam kerangka acuan di mana koil itu stasioner, magnet yang bergerak itu menyebabkan perubahan fluks magnetic yang melalui koil tersebut, dan ini menginduksi sebuah tge. Dalam sebuah kerangka acuan yang berbeda di mana magnetnya stasioner, gerak koil melalui sebuah medan magnetic akan menginduksi tge. Menurut prinsip relativitas, kedua sudut pandang ini berlaku sama, dan keduanya harus meramalkan tge induksi yang sama. Hukum induksi Faraday dapat diaplikasikan untuk deskripsi yang manapun, dan itu tentu memenuhi persyaratan ini. Jika situasi magnetic yang bergerak dan situasi koil itu tidak memberikan hasil-hasil yang sama, maka kita dapat menggunakan eksperimen ini untuk membedakan satu kerangka inersia dari kerangka inersia lamanya. Ini akan bertentangan dengan prinsip relativitas.

Yang tidak kalah pentingnya adalah ramalan mengenai laju radiasi elektromagnetik yang diturunkan dari persamaan Maxwell. Menurut analisis ini, cahaya dan semua gelombang elektromagnetik lain berjalan dalam ruang hampa dengan sebuah laju yang tetap, yang sekarang didefenisikan secara eksak sebesar 299.792.458 m/s (sering kali mengenal nilai aproksimasi c=3,00× 〖10〗^8 m/s, yang berada dalam satu bagian dalam 1000 dari nilai eksak itu). Seperti yang kita tahu, laju cahaya dalam ruang hampa selalu memainkan sebuah peranan utama dalam teori relativitas.

Selama abad kesembilan belas, kebanyakan fisikawan percaya bahwa cahaya berjalan melalui sebuah medium hipotetik yang dinamakan dengan eter, persis seperti gelombang suara berjalan melalui udara. Jika demikian, maka laju cahaya yang diukur oleh pengamat akan bergantung pada geraknya relative terhadap eter itu dan karena itu maka akan berbeda dalam arah yang berbeda. Eksperimen Michelson-Morley, adalah sebuah usaha untuk mendeteksi gerak bumi relative terhadap eter tersebut. Loncatan konseptual Einstein adalah untuk mengenal bahwa jika persamaan Maxwell berlaku maka laju cahaya dalam ruang hampa harus juga sama dalam semua kerangka acuan inersia, maka kecepatan cahaya dalam vakum seharusnya sama semua arah. Faktanya, Michelson dan Morley tudaj nebdetejsu adanya gerak eter yang menyeberang bumi, dan konsep eter itu telah dibuang. Walaupun Einstein mungkin belum mengetahui hasil negative ini, namun hasil ini mendukung hipotesisnya yang berani mengenai kekonstanan laju cahaya dalam ruang hampa.

Jadi, Einstein mengemukakan dalilnya yang kedua; Laju cahaya dalam ruang hampa adalah sama dalam semua kerangka acuan inersia dan tidak bergantung pada gerak sumber itu. Misalnya dua pengamat mengukur laju cahaya itu dalam ruang hampa. Seorang berada dalam keadaan diam terhadap sumber cahaya itu, dan orang lainnya bergerak menjauhi sumber cahaya itu. Keduanya berada dalam kerangka-kerangka acuan inersia. Menurut prinsip relativitas, kedua pengamat itu harus mendapatkan hasil yang sama, meskipun kenyataannya yang seorang bergerak terhadap orang lainnya.

Jika ini kelihatannya terlalu mudah, tinjaulah situasi berikut. Sebuah pesawat ruang angkasa yang bergerak melewati bumi pada laju 1000 m/s menembakkan sebuah misil lurus kedepan dengan laju sebesar 2000 m/s (relative terhadap pesawat ruang angkasa itu). Berapakah laju misil itu relative terhadap bumi? Jawabannya sederhana, Anda mengatakan; ini adalah soal dasar dalam kecepatan relative. Jawaban yang benar menurut mekanika Newton adalah 3000 m/s. Tetapi sekarang misalnya pesawat ruang angkasa itu menyalakan sebuah lampu sorot, yang menunjuk dalam arah yang sama ke mana misil ditembakkan. Seorang pengamat pada pesawat ruang angkasa itu menyalakan sebuah lampu sorot, yang pesawat ruang angkasa itu mengukur laju cahaya yang dipancarkan oleh lampu sorot dan mendapatkan nilai c. Menurut pembahasan sebelumnya gerak cahaya setelah meninggalkan sumber itu tidak dapat bergantung pada gerak sumber. Maka pengamat di bumi mengukur laju dari cahaya yang sama ini harus juga mendapatkan nilai c, bukan c + 1000 m/s. Hasil ini sepertinya bertentangan dengan akal sehat. Tetapi “akal sehat” adalah intuisi yang didasarkan pada pengalaman sehari-hari, dan ini biasanya tidak termasuk pengukuran laju cahaya.

Mungkin mengukur waktu dan interval waktu melibatkan konsep simultanitas (simultaneity), dalam sebuah kerangka acuan yang diberikan, sebuah peristiwa (event) adalah sebuah kejadian yang mempunyai posisi dan waktu yang pasti. Bila Anda mengatakan bahwa Anda bangun pada jam tujuh, Anda mengartikannya bahwa ada dua peristiwa (sewaktu Anda bangun dan waktu jam 7.00 yang diperlihatkan oleh jam Anda) terjadi simultan. Soal fundamental dalam pengukuran waktu adalah bahwa pada umumnya, dua peristiwa yang simultan dalam satu kerangka acuan, tidak simultan dalam kerangka kedua yang bergerak relative terhadap yang pertama, walaupun keduanya adalah kerangka inersia.

Dalil kedua Einstein ini segera mengatakanhasil berikut : tidak mungkin untuk seorang pengamat inersia berjalan dengan laju c, yakni laju cahaya dalam ruang hampa. Kita dapat membuktikan ini dengan memperlihatkan bahwa berjalan dengan laju c mengimplikasikan sebuah kontradiksi yang logis. Sewaktu kita meneruskan persoalan mengenai Teori Relativitas, Kita sendiri mungkin akan menanyakan pertanyaan yang ditanyakan oleh Einstein sendiri sebagai seorang siswa yang berumur 16 tahun “ Apakah yang akan saya alami apabila saya dapat berjalan pada laju cahaya?” Einstein menyadari hanya setelah beberapa tahun kemudian bahwa cacat dasar dari pertanyaannya adalah bahwa dia tidak dapat berjalan dengan laju seperti kecepatan cahaya.

Galileo Galilei

Galileo Galilei is the one who gave large donations in the development of astronomy in medieval and he is an Italian nationality. He was born in Pisa in 1564. Just as Copernicus, Tycho and Kepler (formerly scientist), he also initially entered the school with the intention of Medicine so he could find enough money. Unfortunately he did not pay attention enough to learn it. He immediately turned the prow turned to study Mathematics. He became a champion in its class, the most intelligent children, so she was given the title of champion. In 1589, at a young age is the age of 25 years, he had been appointed professor in the Mathematics course. Immediately after assuming office, he became the enemy of his friends due to disagreements of opinion about the science concepts that are still using the old doctrine Aristotle's teachings. Galileo expressly said that almost all the teachings of Aristotle that seemed science-seems to be right, actually, is wrong. Like the laws of motion which proved itself, ie if two objects are small and the other a large, together dropped from a high tower, then both will get to the ground at the same time. This is contrary to the opinion of Aristotle and his friends. They argue that the first up was the smallest objects. He encountered opposition among his friends cause he was forced to continually removed from office a new three-year he became a chief, namely in the year 1592. And she immediately got a better position at the University of Padua. Where did he work harder and create a more productive career. In a graduate of Mathematics of the most brilliant and famous throughout Europe at that time. But the changes that the holding of a sudden a lot of his friends are challenged by the more so those who already have a good name so he immediately got more enemies. In 1608, Hans Lippershey, a Dutch nationality, which makes sunglasses possible to make a telescope. Children Lippershey glasses would fool with the road by chance develop lenses and see clearly with a bright and smooth the feathers that once on the cock feather.

News of the discovery of the basics of binoculars is finally up to Galileo, he immediately fix it, good size, location and type of lens. He put it into a long tube. He succeeded in installing a small telescope after struggling arranged. Telescope was able to raise three times. This is the first telescope in the world. Then he finally managed to fix it again and enlarge the image in a telescope 30 times. All night with the telescope that Galileo binoculars Kea red stars in the sky around the place at the University of Padua. With great wonder and amazement absurdly he looked toward the venus, the moon, Mercury, Jupiter and others. Many new stars who have never seen humans before appearing among the smaller stars. When he looked toward the moon, how sad, he sees the world one again. This month during which he saw as beautiful celestial body was now seen as a celestial body that is full of holes, like the craters of volcanoes, plateaus, and he saw she also saw the sea. When he directed his telescope toward Venus, then he saw it as a crescent. After months of observation he entered so he can ensure that Venus was exactly like the moon, has phases like the moon crescent, half moon, full moon, then go back to shrink and so on. It's just the turn of the stages of the process at Venus is much slower. On one night in January 1610, Galileo saw small stars around Jupiter. Interested in the little stars never seen by man before his focus and learn. Three little star next to Jupiter and another next to another planet. The next day he saw the three as well, but the location is different from the night before. Now all three were just tasteless side. The following evening viewed not three but has already four. From his observations, he knew that the little stars that revolve around the planet see Jupiter which is sometimes hidden by the planet and then reappear. The stars were a number of four satellites, as well as the earth has one satellite that month.

In the first, seventh day there is a once in three days, some once in the last 7 days and once in 16 days to play. With clear knowledge, that all the planets and the sun is not around the earth, but on the contrary, all the planets including the earth revolved around the sun. Each satellite from the planet is not like an opinion of Aristotle and Ptolemy, who said that bumilah which became the center of the universe. Thus Galileo fully accept the opinion expressed by Copernicus who said that the sun as the center of circulation. The discovery of Galileo is causing uproar in the entire European continent, especially from the Catholic Church and Protestant parties. At that time the accepted theory is that Ptolemy's theory in accordance with the Bible. Opinion Ptolemy became the ruler of opinion. Anyone whose opinion does not comply with these opinions mean he anti-religion, anti-Biblical or anti Ruler. Thus, anti-God and therefore can dihukuk dead. Opinions that deviate from the provisions that would endanger the ruling and can invite others to challenge religion. Not surprisingly the Galileo opinion caused a strong reaction from the Church. Opinions about the planets round the sun, Venus berphase-phase-phase or phases like the moon, Jupiter has four months of tumultuous public opinion throughout Europe. There was one who received full opinion of Copernicus's theory, named Giordano Bruno. In fact he was more advanced again. He said that all the stars is a sun, too, has the planets and the planets it has a satellite. Opinion was disseminated throughout Europe are active. Bruno is the head of the propaganda of an orthodox religious sect. Giordano Bruno was originally a monk from a Catholic institution. But because too much so he was forced to challenge the regulations issued. Since then more and Be free to challenge what he thought was not true. His friends and the crowds have been advising him not to go to Venice, because the danger to their safety. But because he's basically like fighting he ignored the advice of his friends. As a result, there he was arrested and secured. Then he was sentenced to death with a strapped on a milestone and then doused with boiling asphalt countryman and then burnt. When Galileo finally reached ri opinion of Rome, the pope ordered that his people should not fight because meladeninya could turn into a propaganda tool for challenging the opinion of the pope or the church. Books Copernicus circulated his friends have been banned from circulation and confiscation. Galileo was a devout religious adherents, but for him with questions about other religions Astronomy. In 1623 a friend who likes to listen to his way of thinking was elected pope. Galileo immediately went to Rome and held a discussion with the pope and intends to publish a book. Pope did not agree, especially with publicly disclose its contents are contrary to religious teachings. Pope personally not very challenging, but because of his position as head of the Church is not eligible for support and of course must be opposed. Finally, the book was also published entitled "The dialogue on the two chief systems of the world."

In it, there are three speakers, namely that the first named Salvatieos who represent followers of Copernicus, speak according to Galileo's own way of thinking. The second was as a person who was not impartial, neutral, named Sagredo, who asked the question, was the third named simplicius as a speaker representing the opinions of Aristotle and Ptolemy. They are the parties who were hostile to Galileo. Short said there was a conversation between two conflicting groups. From every conversation released by simplicius or when answering questions posed to him, it sounds stupid and unreasonable, causing annoyance and a laughingstock for any reader of the book. Galileo had a clear intention is satirical rulers and scholars who supported the opinion of Ptolemy. The book was printed in the year 1632 completed. In that year the people of Europe are still a lot of illiterate, but even so the book quickly sold out entirely. Thus, news about Galileo's new theory that conflicted with the opinion of the church, spread out in all directions. Old opinion is the opinion of the Bible can not be bargained. Who would deny it is to deny the Bible or damage the public trust. With the release of the book, the scholars and scholars as if a great slap and do all acts immediately to respond. Pope was not personally offended, but because the maid who feel very unhappy person and behavior towards Galileo, especially from friends and bishops along with professors from the University of Pisa and Padua, hence taken steps to catch Galileo. Galileo at that time already 70 years old and in sickness. Immediately he was taken from his bed and then transported to Rome and brought to court within the sacred court. Inside the court ordered Galileo to create questions that Jupiter does not have a month or satellite. He used his telescope to observe the star is already used telescope useless. Venus does not have phases like the moon and the earth did not mengitarai sun. Instead the planets, the sun and all the stars around the earth. Earth is the center of circulation, not the sun. In addition, Galileo was obliged to apologize and as a religion should be obedient to God and to obey the pope as the representative of God on Earth. If not, the court would impose severe punishment to him. But what Galileo was the unexpected reply from the followers of siding, as with pointed and loudly she said, such as: "... ... .. although I am forced to say the confession is not true, but I still say that (lifting his right leg and dropped to the floor) is now being earth round the sun .... "Due to the obstinacy of Galileo he was sentenced. Many people argue that he was sentenced to death. But their assumption is not true. The truth is the law of Galileo's life in a cage in her own home. Here he was to the end writing dynamics theories and put some basic science. The books of Copernicus was eliminated, as the building Uraneberg observations founded by Tycho Brahe had been destroyed by the surrounding farmers, because of fear that there is a ghost interference from other building other than that, Johannes Kepler died in poverty and Galileo Galilei as a successor to the teachings of Copernicus has been sentenced to life imprisonment. But one thing that can not be prevented and that survives the ideas of truth that grows in the conscience of the readers and their thoughts are given to someone else later will be a fair defense. Those who have sacrificed bound and doused with oil and then

Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology launch a fuel-efficient Car

Institute of Technology, Surabaya, launched a fuel-efficient car that was named by Sapu Angin I, on Monday,Last January in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. This car can be driven so far targeted only a thousand kilometers with a liter of gasoline. Winds Sweep is the prototype of a futuristic energy-efficient cars that will be included in the shell eco-marathon event in Asia Sepang International Circuit, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on December 8 to 10 July 2010. In addition to wind a broom, a team consisting of 15 students majoring mechanical engineering ten-November Institute of Technology plans to make brooms wind two more accommodating the needs of urban society. To create the framework and body of the car with the system which they call a monocoque, the students are studying at PT Maruline Maju Utama, fiber board manufacturer in Surabaya. Then students create their own in an engineering workshop ITS. The engine used 35 cc of the injection system, titanium tube chassis. To censor the air composition, temperature, and pressure using optical sensors. Steering system, karting steering pitman arm and disc brakes.

Basic of Electrons

All materials on earth are formed from the merger of several molecules and atoms. More than one hundred fruit element (or elements) have been discovered and named at this current time. Developments in science today claimed that the atom is not the smallest particles because after the composer who studied there was a structure within the atom. Electrons, protons and neutrons is the author of each atom composer of all materials on this earth. Electrons (negative charge), protons (positive charge) and neutrons (no charge) on functional work in atomic structure. Functionally, the protons and neutrons into a joint that is surrounded by electrons that move by itself.

In the Physics, Electrons have an important role in the electrical, magnetic and thermal conductivity. An electron that moves can provide a magnetic field of the observer and when an electron is accelerated it will absorb or emit radiation in the form of photons. Basically, the electrons have the same amount of electrical charge so as we all know each atom becomes unstable in the context of cargo. Furthermore, the core has the deep-structure consisting of a proton with positive charge and neutrons are not charged.

Through experiments Milikan oil drops, electrons have a negative charge equal to the fundamental unit of electric charge and Similarly, the mass of an electron, ie

Electron mass itself as large as 1 / 1837 the mass of atomic hydrogen, which is the lightest atoms that ever existed. In Electronics, the formation of the components / devices are useful for human life is desired. Namely, in setting properties of electrons in solids, liquids and gases because we know the manufacture of electronics components, not apart from the three types of substance. 1. Electrons are particles and waves that sometimes Dilemma highly unlikely and even the electron is very annoying about both the nature of this electron. It has been known that the electron has two properties namely, the nature of the wave and particle properties as the (material). Both these properties are not consistent arise simultaneously, but it can be proved by some experiments ever conducted.

A. Compton effect
In the Compton effect, electron having particle can be described. If a beam of X-ray free electrons fired into a silence, then there will be differences in waves. For example, photons that have a momentum hv / c collides with an electron is silent. These symptoms are considered as a particle and can be explained by the contradictions.

B. Photoelectric effect
Similarly, Photoelectric effect whereby if a beam is dropped on the metal surface electrons can be emitted from it. Because the photoelectric effect experiment is described that the electron can have a wave nature and the nature of the particles.

C. De Broglie hypothesis
De Broglie was doing works, which brings together two different properties of the electron. Among other things, by giving to unify the above hypothesis. He expressed the momentum as

2. Electron is a wave packet and group velocity. Having a particle and wave properties can be unified by introducing the notion of wave packets and can be explained by the Compton effect, photoelectric effect and the de Broglie hypothesis. In a sense, an explanation of each of the photoelectric effect and Compton effect, and the de Broglie hypothesis, events or experiments suggest that the wave packet, and the group velocity is essentially understanding. In other words, the wave packet is regarded as particles that propagate with group velocity.

3. Experiencing instability uncertain
Principle of uncertain instability is given by Heisenberg in the year 1927. This principle states that "a pair of variable system of physics that states can not be determined immediately and thoroughly." Paired variables were interpreted in principle, namely the position x and momentum position P. If this principle is applied in the previous explained as a wave packet, then the principle can be expressed in various forms, such as the following. We take x and P, T and E as the mistakes of the variable pairs. So the result of multiplying each pair of errors can not be smaller than h, where h is Planck's constant divided by 2 phi.

4. Wave function During this time, have a wave nature of particles has been explained without explaining the properties of waves. Concerned with the wave motion of particles is very different compared with electromagnetic waves and acoustic waves. It's like the vibrations of strings or membranes. In general, the wave motion that does not contain physical property. But the absolute price of the square wave amplitude has some physical interpretation. These quantities express the density function-the possibility of the existence of the particle.

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Jumat, 07 Mei 2010

Only One Hour that we have to save the Earth

Earth is dying. The air temperature is getting hot, erratic weather and climate. This is a fraction of the impact of global warming, the process of increasing the average temperature of the atmosphere, sea and land earth. Worse yet the world as confirmed by the scientists, global warming impact on climate change due to human activities.

This century, increasing global temperature increase to 1.4 to 5.8 degrees Celsius. A number of things that are expected to hit Indonesia, among others, sea level rise will inundate the mainland as far as 50 meters from the coastline of the Indonesian archipelago, along the 81 thousand kilometers. In addition, more than 405 thousand hectares of Indonesia's land is expected to drown. That is, thousands of small islands threatened erased from the map of the Indonesian archipelago.

Starting from the condition and the Earth where we live has to be rescued soon, there arose the idea of Earth Hour. This is one of the campaigns of World Wildlife Fund (WWF), a global initiative that invites individuals, business practitioners, government and other public sectors around the world to participate and turn off the lights for one hour. The goal, saving the electricity consumption. Why is electricity? Because the human dependence on electricity has resulted in an average increase in Earth's temperature drastically.

This can lead to rising sea surface water, drought, storms, and major changes to the environment on Earth. As an illustration, the electrical energy consumption in Indonesia focused on Java-Bali or equal to 78 percent of total national electricity consumption. Other parts of Indonesia that have smaller portions. Well, if 10 percent of Indonesian people participate in Earth Hour, Indonesia can saving electricity consumption amounted to 300 MWh. Whereas with a very simple way through turn off the lights for one hour only. In order for our earth does not hurt, now the time to prove our concern to preserve our Earth for the future of our grandchildren. Let's participate through Earth Hour.

Geothermal Energy Empowerment increasingly interested in the World

Empowerment or geothermal geothermal energy continues to escalate in many parts of the world. European Union, for example, targeting 20 percent of its energy supply comes from renewable energy sources, including geothermal energy, in the coming decade. Along with this, the empowerment of technology offered by the manufacturers are increasingly diverse.

Researchers at the Geo-Heat Center Oregon Institute of Technology, United States, John W. Lund, argues, the heat energy to generate electricity has been used at-least-27 countries in the world . Over the last decade, the capacity of electricity from geothermal energy reached about 3000 megawatts. Some of the State reportedly has been using geothermal energy for more than 5 percent of their total energy needs. Country, among others, is Papua New Guinea, Tibet, Iceland, Kenya, the Philippines and New Zealand.

Indonesia currently has utilized 4.2 percent from geothermal owned, which is estimated to reach about 40 percent of the world's geothermal potential. Heat energy in Indonesia only about 1100 MW, under the Philippines (2,000 MW) and the United States (4000 MW). One member of the Enhanced Geothermal Innovative Network for Europe (Engine), Philippe Calcagno, revealing, at least five business partners are invited geothermal industry empowerment in developing geothermal energy in Europe.

Selasa, 04 Mei 2010

Save the Sea World

Frenzied climate change conference to-15 in Copenhagen, Danish, several months ago has given birth to a deal that does not satisfy all parties. It was not easy to fulfill nearly 200 countries in the world. One important aspect related to the discussion of climate change should receive greater attention is the issue of maritime affairs. As expected by most small island States and coastal residents mewaikili billions of souls can not be directly made his decision. Other strategic issues, such as forests, industry and transport, has a sale value is higher than that of marine issues myself. However, whether the discussion of maritime issues and climate change stops here? At least, there are three main reasons that can be drawn conclusions about the marine who was in the world.

First, until the maritime dimension of the current discussion more focused on the problem of adaptation. In the manuscript "Ad-Hoc Working Group on Long Term Cooperation Action (AWG-LCA)" provide explicitly mentioned the importance of attention to areas vulnerable to climate change impacts, including coastal areas. Also need to get serious attention about sea level rise, global warming, and ocean acidification. In another part, it is important also prepared the concept of integrated planning and management of marine and coastal areas.

Second, most of the archipelago State whether big or small it reveals that the potential of the sea on their country gives a big influence in the development of their respective countries. As a result, each state has two problems in the field of preservation and conservation of marine sea and its contents and use of the sea without reducing it for the smooth development of each country in the aspect of human life. Indonesia and countries in the Pacific and other tropical waters will be the main victims of loss of natural resources found in the sea. Obviously, we do not have to wait more than a decade to convince world leaders that the sea plays an important role in regulating climate change. In addition, coastal communities also not be evacuated due to sea level is rising and soaking their settlements.

Third, we must recognize the lack of scientific data to show how big a role in reducing the impact of marine climate change globally although it was agreed that the ocean's role in the absorption carbon. However, if seen by a regional or national, it turns out the scientists are still debating. Especially with the findings of researchers who agree say that the ability of ocean to absorb carbon has been reduced. Thus, apanila we are not able to keep the sea functions as a carbon sink, you can bet the greenhouse gas content increases.

Limited space is not a problem

Living in a place that has such a narrow area in the apartment, almost certainly no way we can include all goods that attract into our living residence. All people who live in places that have limited land always argued that there is no space to store goods. Actually if we are able to manage it all, then all the items to be included will look neater and would even make the space more interesting.

With residential land is limited, we have been giving a role to rescue our earth. Imagine with only limited land we just took out some costs and less waste to build our home. As long as we are able to manage it all the green lifestyle will always compensate for our health. Back to the problem of shelter, space limitations we can Ceramic with space remaining. Utilization is mostly done by people is to merge the two into a single unitary element of the interior without the need to add that space. So that all can put together all the ingredients.

Besides more efficient in the room, the merger of two of the room can make us more efficient in energy because it is usually in two different rooms we use two lamps, with a merger, then we only need a lamp. On the other hand, such as under the bed, we can manage that by making a sliding closet or drawer that can be used to store some clothes. Well, the simple life patterns can provide a role in the protection of our beloved earth.

Senin, 03 Mei 2010

Managing electricity in our homes

Everything that is good for this earth must also have been beneficial to our health. Here is how to make a friendly home environment. Maybe you have a lot of effort to save the environment, such as riding a bike to travel back to a place near the house, use energy efficient lighting, or buying organic food. But it is still much to be done to create a home healthier, safer and greener.

Did you know? When we are at home, most of the furniture, including television, DVD player, mobile phone charger, or other items that are equipped with LED screen or remote control still sucking electricity even in the dead. In fact, according to the fact 75 percent of electronic equipment in the house spend electricity just when not being used. Of course we are looking for ways how to stop it all, besides we are in financial losses we are also tired of a vain thing simply by removing electrical energy.

So plug all electronic devices, especially cellular phone chargers, computers, etc. to a socket connection with a lot of plugs and are equipped with on-off button. We've turned off all automatic. Imagine, just by doing small things that we can save energy, save the family finances and can even protect the earth. If only every existing home on this earth doing the same thing, then we will find our healthy living. GO GREEN ....!

Utilization of energy-saving stoves

This fuel-efficient stoves would be useful also for those who have difficulty in accessing the LPG or kerosene for reasons expensive or difficult reach. Actually, the furnace is also beneficial to those wanting to preserve the trees. His name, the save 80. Biomass stoves can save up to 80 percent. The stove was created by Herliyani suharta of Technology Assessment and Application Agency (Indonesian government agency).

Litters of leaves from trees, grasses, or dry twigs have been neglected and considered waste environmental impurities. The save 80 Herliyani work will change it all into a useful energy source. This Engineering has pioneered since 2005. Herliyani also create energy-saving another stoves biomass. The actual words taken from Herliyani as an extension of Energy Efficient Furnace. Everything can save up to 80 percent biomass in comparison with furnaces that are commonly used traditional society. Especially on three stone stove.
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